Instagram reel that shows a girl with a podcasting mic in front of her
Instagram reel that shows a girl with a podcasting mic in front of her
Product demo with a woman talking about the product
Instagram post picture that showcases man demonstrating a product
Product demo with a woman talking about the product

Create Ads with AI Actors in Seconds

Create Ads
AI Actors in Seconds

Create Ads
AI Actors
in Seconds

Green star like asset picture
Yellow flower image
Purple hollow circle used as eye candy on website

Create and test UGC ads that resonate with your audience from text in seconds. AI models help you demonstrate your products, review or explain.

Create Ads with AI Actors in Seconds

Create Ads
AI Actors in Seconds

Create Ads
AI Actors
in Seconds

Green star like asset picture
Yellow flower image
Purple hollow circle used as eye candy on website

Create and test UGC ads that resonate with your audience from text in seconds. AI models help you demonstrate your products, review or explain.

Instagram reel that shows a girl with a podcasting mic in front of her

Companies using similar products

How it works

Unlock the power of personalized ads with UGC AI actors in just three simple steps!

Red Star like picture used as eye candy

Pick your actors

Select an AI voice that resonates with your brand and appeals to your target audience. Choose from various tones, accents, and styles to find the perfect match for delivering your script.

Yellow squiggly lines in a circle

Craft your message

Craft a compelling script that clearly conveys your message. This script will guide the AI voice actor, ensuring the dialogue aligns with your brand’s tone and the advertisement’s goals.

Green star like asset picture

Generate your ad

Generate your ads and choose the video that best suits your vision. Launch ad to test, get sales and grow your brand. Overall, you save money on video ad production costs. Get access now.

Placeholder Image

Brands are saving thousands of dollars in Ads creative


Online retailers can utilize the app to create compelling product videos from product descriptions, enhancing their online storefronts and potentially increasing sales conversions. AI actors can assist customers in interactive customer service resources for better engagement.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Marketing Agencies

Use AI actors in promotional videos to consistently represent brand messaging. AI actors can perform product reviews as UGC (user generated creators), providing a neutral and consistent voice. Engage stakeholders and craft story to test, review and keep budgets in check.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Ads in Seconds

This allows me to test my ads across different channels and share them with my team super fast. I absolutely love it. I think anyone who is doing video production marketing needs this as soon as possible if they want to stay ahead of the game!

Placeholder Image

Ricky S. K

Founder & CEO, Möbius Loop

This allows me to test my ads across different channels and share them with my team super fast. I absolutely love it. I think anyone who is doing video production marketing needs this as soon as possible if they want to stay ahead of the game!

Placeholder Image

Ricky S. K

Founder & CEO, Möbius Loop

This allows me to test my ads across different channels and share them with my team super fast. I absolutely love it. I think anyone who is doing video production marketing needs this as soon as possible if they want to stay ahead of the game!

Placeholder Image

Ricky S. K

Founder & CEO, Möbius Loop

This allows me to test my ads across different channels and share them with my team super fast. I absolutely love it. I think anyone who is doing video production marketing needs this as soon as possible if they want to stay ahead of the game!

Placeholder Image

Ricky S. K

Founder & CEO, Möbius Loop


Contact us below FAQ to ask us anything

How do I join the Beta Access?

To join the beta access, simply check out the top of the page and click "Get Access Now", you will then be prompted to add your name, company email, and company information. Your information will be reviewed and you will be granted access as soon we verify you're a real human.

Can I use the video for Commercial Purposes?

Yes, you can. However, be sure to follow the terms and conditions. Any harmful, sexual content that misuses the Actors face will be held accountable and subject to severe penalties and an account ban.

Can I customize the AI Actors?

There are many different ways to control the results of the videos in Admaker. Everything sounds engaging and natural without doing anything. But you can also change the speed of the speech and the intonation. You can also pick different AI actors with backgrounds, different emotions and energies in the library of actors.

What do I get with Admaker?

You'll get the the most captivating speech and acting. You get a captivating raw video. Then you can transform it as you want with your own editing tools.

Are the actors real?

Yes, they are based on the image of real actors so you need to be careful with what you make them say. As a reminder, it’s forbidden to create harmful, violent, racist and sexual content with Admaker. Please see terms & conditions below.

Who uses Admaker?

Our service is ideal for brands and agencies marketing teams, especially those focusing on digital products, who need to create a high volume of video ads quickly and efficiently. It's perfect for those looking to enhance ad performance while reducing production time and costs.

How does Admaker work?

Admaker is an AI-powered tool that transforms text into high-quality, emotionally resonant video ads. It uses advanced AI algorithms to generate authentic, realistic videos, all from the input text you provide.

Still have questions?

We would love to hear your thoughts, questions or ideas

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Join DTC brands in saving on personalized ad costs with our AI actors! Get early access now!

9 Green Dots in a square like shape
Green 4-starred shape used as eye candy
Red 8-starred spoke image used as eye candy
yellow 4 diamond Club like image used as eye candy